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Low – client can control the theme and colors, client checks in with me throughout the process.  For the client who wants me to take their memories and create as I decide.  The most challenging and fun type of scrapbook for me to do! (Check in every 7-10 days)


Medium – client can control the theme and colors, I will contact client (email) every 4 completed pages, to show and go over the next set of pages.  Images and embellishments set.  Most clients will fall into this category. (Check in every 4-6 days)


High – client can control the theme and colors, I will contact client (email) every 2 pages BEFORE setting the page. Client able to make changes as needed on each page.  ex.  client working on a tight time frame: Birthday (Check in every 3-5 days)



Extreme High – client in control of as much detail as necessary, I will check in, when needed, in regard to text, pictures, layouts. Only certain circumstance will dictate an Extreme High ex. large wedding themed book, 65th anniversary or birthday.  Likely to contain 75+ pages (Check in every 2-4 days)


Which Client are You?

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